Saturday, June 13, 2009

Margot | June 13

"He's been taking pictures of you since you pushed your way into the world!" my sister-in-law Bernadette called out.

She's right. I was in the room when Margot was born and took pictures of everything. I mean everything. I don't know what I was thinking, but I definitely got caught up in the moment. What are you really going to do with actual pictures of the birth. Hang them over the fireplace?

Regardless, Margot has often been my muse. One, she's beautiful; two, she likes having her picture taken; and three, she's 10 and can't drive or date. For the moment, she's a captive model, available whenever I need her.

(click on image to enlarge)

But if there's one thing about Margot, it's that she has her own ideas about things. I thought clients were bad. She has more opinions and art direction than anyone I work with. But, she's a good model. Handles direction well, and is more or less patient. Although that's starting to wear thin a bit. I guess as long as she continues to like have her picture taken, she'll put up with me. At least until she begins dating and driving, which we figure is in the next couple of weeks.

(click on image to enlarge)

You can see her website at Margot Okeefe

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