Saturday, May 30, 2009

Dallas, TX | May 17

The area of the city we’re in reminds us all a little of Venice and other parts of LA. They have old streetcars running up Kinney Avenue, which I totally didn’t expect to see. Small, neat homes. Manicured streets. Lots of restaurants and bars and it all sounds good, but there’s just something a bit off that I can’t quite put my finger on.

Everybody keeps telling me how friendly everyone is (maybe they’re trying to convince themselves) but I’ve had one bad service experience after another.

Had breakfast this morning with Cris Andrei, my executive producer. As always, he was telling stories. Since it was raining, today’s story involved weather in Jakarta. Cris was living there and they were on a big film shoot. He explained that there’s no such thing as weather insurance in Indonesia, because the weather can change so rapidly. What they do have are Weather Shamans. They cost between $50-100 a day. Cris loved putting this into budgets because everyone always questioned the line item. He would explain that regardless of what they thought, most of the crew would be Indonesian and if they didn’t have one, the crew was going to worry and wonder why the executives would be so foolish as to try to shoot without weather protection. Also, what could it hurt? Would you really want to risk angering the weather gods for a measly $100?

So they’re shooting and to the north of them it’s raining, to the south of them it’s raining, as well as to the east and west. Everywhere except where they’re shooting. And the Shaman is squatting under a tree holding his pee, which apparently is what he does.

It rained all day today. Nothing heavy, but it was constant. Supposedly we’re going to have great weather this week, so hopefully, it’s just getting it out of the way.

Cris and I did some errands than drove to Wild Bill’s, a western outfitter. I bought beautiful, new Lucasse cowboy boots and a traditional straw Stetson hat. Cris also bought a hat but not so traditional. He also bought gifts for his family. I bought my family nothing.

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