Saturday, May 9, 2009

May 9 | A Hint Of Summer

I was standing on my porch smoking a cigarette during the middle of a severe thunderstorm when a man riding a John Deere riding lawn mower drove past my house against traffic, which I found strange.

It had been a beautiful day and Jane and I spent a few hours searching for Pelargonium peltatum, which I learned are Amethyst Ivy Geraniums, and are apparently harder to find than you would think. Or maybe you wouldn't. Normally I wouldn't enjoy driving from garden center to garden center on a lovely, warm, sunny day, but Jane and I had a nice time. We needed the time together.

We never found the exact plant we were looking for but we enjoyed ourselves and when we got home I lit a fire outside, opened a beer and read a magazine while Jane planted flowers.

It felt like summer. Jane had been marinating chicken for a couple of days and I grilled the chicken along with new, red potatoes coated in sea salt, fresh rosemary from the garden and olive oil. Add a little steamed broccoli and you have yourself a pretty nice, summer meal. It almost made me nostalgic and homesick at the same time.

I'm looking forward to getting home from Dallas and spending some time at the beach.

As the sun began to set, dark clouds moved in and we began to hear thunder in the distance. Eventually we moved inside and began to watch TV. I heard some loud cracks of thunder and went outside on the porch to smoke. As I stood there, the rain began to fall in sheets, the lightening glowing in the distance and the thunder echoing against the house.

And then I heard a lawnmower. It's good to be home.

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