Friday, April 17, 2009

Nuevo Vallarta | April 17 | Day Four

I don’t have much time since I need to be in the lobby in 45 minutes to meet Cesar. He’s taking me out for the day to see the sights. Before I leave I need to give Jane money for her trip.

(click on image to enlarge)

I, on the other hand, need to have Cesar take me somewhere where I can buy flip flops. That should be fun. I’m going shoe shopping with my Mexican guide. Knowing how homophobic Mexican men are, he’ll probably throw me out of the car. That or he won’t even blink an eye. You just never know.

Well, I better go. Cesar will be waiting and I need to get Jane some cash. If I don’t post another entry later today, you’ll know I’m lying in a ditch somewhere.

(click on image to enlarge)

Well, Cesar just called. The hotel is having pictures taken of the grounds and Cesar’s supervisor called him last night because they needed him to help set up tables, or something. I saw them taking pictures this morning. So, anyway, I have another hour, which is good.

One of the places we’re going is up into the mountains behind Puerto Vallarta. There is a river that flows through the middle of town, which apparently begins up in the mountains and there are waterfalls. Should be pretty. Also hope to stop for lunch in a good local, Mexican restaurant. Hope I don’t get sick. I need to remember to buy some hand disinfectant while I’m out. That’s all I need is to get sick.

Jane is a little scared about her trip. Not because of anything specifically, and she’s good on boats, but because of the unknown and because I’m not with her. She’s a scardycat, as she puts it. She’ll have a ball, I’m sure.


JRM said...

well, cmon, how did your little adventures go? hurry up and write!!

Unknown said...

Was tired when I got home and it took awhile to write. Didn't finish till this afternoon.