Saturday, March 17, 2012

Foot Race

Today was race day. My wife Jane, and step-daughter Julia ran. My other step-daughter Jessica and I, along with my grandson Paxton, watched.

Although was only a 5k (I say only, not because I could have currently run it, but because they often run longer races), they both ran strong. Julia has been currently training longer than Jane, not to mention that she's 20+ years younger, so it stood to reason that she did a bit better.

Not only did she run with her two-year old black labrador Bosco, but she came in first in women! She was something like 4th or 5th overall. She was booking.

Who knows what she would have done if she hadn't been running with a dog.

Paxton spent the race walking around. His new thing is to walk in circles....because he can. When the first runners starting coming in, he clapped with everyone else.

After Julia had picked up her medal, and Bosco tried to eat it, we adjourned to our house for breakfast. Good start of the weekend.

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